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Richibs Hardware (Pvt) Ltd

Richibs Hardware (Pvt) Ltd
Contact person
Jesina Chibunhe

Shop G14 Stand no 4011, 924 Sunshine Bazaar, Harare

Map Location

General info

Manufacturer and wholesaler of hardware products like window putty, paints and thinners

Opening hours
Always open

Business Offers

Contractors paint
Stand no 4011, Harare
10 January 2024
USD 6.00
6usd per 5L
Mr Putty
Stand no 4011, Harare
10 January 2024
USD 0.40
0.40usd per kg
Red Oxide
Stand no 4011, Harare
10 January 2024
USD 0.50
0.50usd per 1kg


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